Broadband development in rural areas of Greece - LOT 1

Approval by the IM PPP Committee:
Status Quo:
Project Type:
Contracting Authority:
Tender Type:
Project Duraiton:
17 έτη/years
Construction Period:
2 έτη/years
Operational Period:
15 έτη/years
Project Development Cost:
68,8 εκ./mn. €
Project Description:

The projects' goal is the installation and operation of necessary infrastructure for broadband internet access, in order to achieve digital convergence of the most disadvantaged rural areas of Greece with the rest of the country. More specifically, the project will provide faster internet in 1,192 settlements with a total population of 170,961 inhabitants. The projects aim to achieving economic and social development and improving the quality of life of residents in mountainous and island regions of the country.   

Contract singed on December 29, 2014